My Year in Denmark...2006

Monday, March 27, 2006

St Peters Church...Vatican City

The Pantheon ...Inside.

The pantheon.....Built in 27BC ..The most well preserved building in rome...Its a cylindrical structure (round!) suported by no pilars...Originally a temple for the gods of the 7 planets but now a Utalised as a church.You can get married in it!!!

All the next Photos were taken at the Kopenhavn ( Copenhagen ) Weekend...It was put together by Rotex and Combined the oldies (exchange student who have been here for 7 months already ) and the me!...It was a great weekend, we all got to dress up for the gala night etc and learn some more danish culture.....:-)

Richard..(Nz) and travis (Oz)

Me dancing the Lancier...

Kobenhavn ( Copenhagen)...train staion...Thats was all our baggage...

Gala night...

Me n Renata.

Me, Bridge, and Alex...Gala night..

Typical...i lit my napkin on fire from the tea the middle of some rotary speach thing.....the black is the chared napkin and the brown is the coke we used to put the massive flame out....Woops.!

The big band....played for us!...they were great!

5 Star accomidation...we slep in the coridor and the cafiteria....:-)

FarFar('fathers father' ie..grandfather) and host dad..( Ove)

Host mum ( Solvejg)and Host brother( peter).....we were out for dinner in Ribe for Lene's 20th Bday.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Oh guys I thought I better update every one seeing as today IS my 2MONTH ANIVERSARY in DENMARK!!!!....pretty exciting i know. The time has flown past so fast and yet i feel like iv done so much already...its quite confusing really. But im glad to say i feel totaly at home now. Im even getting use to the weather which is a mission in itself. My class at school is great....and as a matter of fact were all going to ROME this Saturday for a week !! I know...i cant believe it myself....its for a school trip!!! Ok , so i better take you back a few weeks....well.....about 3 weeks ago we had holidays for a week were i went to visit some of my relatives in Sweden (from my dads side obviouslu)...that was great as some of whom i have never met before, but i had a great weekend and saw some of Malmo. One of the weirdest things for me was being able to travel to a toatly different country by Train....They have a huge bridge that crosses between Kopenhagen, Denmark and Malmo, Sweden. It was a great experiance. Then from Sweden i basically went straight to a town back in Denamark called Odense, this town is know as the fairy tale capital of the world because Hans Christian Anderson, the famous story book writer, lived there. I stayed in Odense for a week because it was a rotary camp...All the rotary exchange students around the world who are staying in denmark for the whole year were there. It was an awsome week as week were able to experiance some of the danish culture , as well as learn some more danish!!.....There were about 60 of us. Then it was back to school as normal after that week and into school again. However, the next weekend all the exchange students from this year and midle of last year headed to Kopenhagen for another rotary weekend. It was great....we had a gala night were we all go to dress up....allways love that....and we learnt this old dance called the as!! Allthough we did have to sleep in the dinning area on paper thin camping mats !!!....but at the end of the day....We didnt sleep a whole heap of the time anyway so....meah. Another week has passed and now i am at language school in a town called Vejle....its about an hour n a bit from my town and it means i still have to get up at 6am! But its better now because its light in the morning at least. The days are becoming longer.!....Apparently Denmark hasent had a winter like this in like ...18 years....LUCKY ME!!...its STILL snowing!!!....and they keep telling me its spring now!,...pfft! Im just looking forward to rome next week...aperently its about 12.
-15 * thats more like our good old NZ winter temp!... Well i think thats about it for now i think....I hope everybody is doing ok?!..Feel free to drop me a letter or email....whatever id love to hear from you.... Miss u guys all sooooo much!... And dont worry ill have all the pics from Rome up on the blog soon enough...Not trying to make you envious or anything....hehe...Love you all lots ....Hej Hej....Ve sis....Mojn. xoxoxox